Candles by Victoria


14 Orders
6 Reviews
8 Favorites




Buttered Popcorn

6 reviews

Added on 10/09/2013
This will literally make your house smell like you just walked into a movie theater! My nephews came over when I was melting this scent and they kept asking me if they could eat it!
Cinnamon Donuts

6 reviews

Added on 10/07/2013
This is scent is for sure in my top 5! It is the most amazing sweet gooey yummy cinnamon donut I have ever smelled! I would highly recommend this to any bakery lover!
Barrel Candle

6 reviews

Added on 10/07/2013
I have this candle in "green" and it is so pretty! Mine melted clean all the way down and it gave off a wonderful scent throw!
Reed Diffusers

6 reviews

Added on 10/07/2013
I have two reed diffusers, one in my 2nd bedroom and one in my bathroom. I have had them in there since August (it's now October) and they are still going strong! They give off a great scent throw and they look so pretty sitting on my counter!
Cube Melts - Large

6 reviews

Added on 10/07/2013
I LOVE my cubes! They are no mess and still smell as wonderful as a large tart or scent shot!

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