Candles by Victoria

Over 3,000 Reviews

Pearberry Delicious

Added on 02/12/2018
This scent is such a unique and fruity scent and it is very strong. I have it in a 9oz jar Candle and it lit up my whole house within minutes. I will be getting this one regularly!
Kissing Kris Kringle

Added on 02/12/2018
I received this one as the free scent shot and immediately fell in love and ordered it in melts and candle. This has got to be the most comforting "Christmas-y" scent I have ever smelled. It's like walking into a kitchen in the middle of cooking up pies and cakes and all spicy and sweet goodness. I will be using this scent year round especially when I am in need of feeling cozy and warm.
CC - Baking With Mrs. Claus

Added on 02/05/2018
I bought this for my Christmas candle. It is a great candle, burned really well. And for a holiday baking scent it doesn't have a strong cinnamon sent, which I appreciate.
Coffee Bean

Added on 02/05/2018
I love coffee scents and this one is so good! Just straight up coffee
Pumpkin Eggnog

Added on 02/05/2018
Almost seemed like it had a fizzy note to it and I friggin love it!
CAS - Strawberry Loaves

Added on 02/01/2018
These are the best!!! Omg i got mine scented in fruit loop cupcake & bumbleberry pie. It smells beyond amazing. My warmer is in my bedroom & it lingers through out the house & lasts days,only need to use about 3 tablespoons so the loaf is going to last probably 2 months. Doesn't come any better than Victoria's candles!
Bake Shoppe - Raspberry Lime Macaron

Added on 02/01/2018
Wow just amazing! The blended scents of raspberry & lime is a genius idea! It smells beyond scrumptious & looks & smells good enough to eat & i didnt even light it yet. Love the colors & macaroons are adorable. Like usual always a great buy
Magical Unicorn

Added on 01/19/2018
I am actually buring the last bit of my cubed candle in this scent as I type this review. I absolutely love this scent and it has a strong scent throw. It's such a delicious fruity yet bakery scent that you will not be able to get enough of it. So happy this scent was added to the list and now I can get any product in this Magical Unicorn scent!
Baked Apple Bear Claws

Added on 01/19/2018
Very strong apple baked good scent that lingers. I had people tell me that my house smelled so good 30 minutes after I blew the candle out!
Bake Shoppe - Raspberry Lime Macaron

Added on 01/18/2018
I really enjoyed creating this candle and it smells amazing!

Added on 01/13/2018
Yummy, yummy! This one is such a good sweet cinnamon scent, none of that red hot in it at all. I got a 16 oz jar and my only complaint is that I wish the throw was stronger. I might try this again in a scent shot to see if it performs better.
4 oz. Mini Sampler Pack

Added on 01/13/2018
This is my favorite thing to order from Candles by Victoria!! Love being able to try various scents in candle form for a good price! I love putting them in each room of the house. They all always have an amazing scent throw and never disappoint!!!
Blueberry Martini

Added on 01/13/2018
This is so good! Smells like fizzy pop incense mixed with a blue raspberry slushie or lolli pop! The 8 oz. jar was a strong thrower! Will repurchase

Added on 01/13/2018
The best, most true Gardenia 10/10 !!
Magical Angel Fire Candle

Added on 01/13/2018
Absolutely love it. Everything about it, the colors, the embeds & of course the cold throw is crazy awesome, im debating if i should light it or not its so cute...Great job keep em coming Chelsea
Surprise Candle

Added on 01/13/2018
Wow just amazing! I wish i knew the scents this is, im blown away! Its lingering through out my living room to my kitchen than the bathroom, im definitely getting more of these candles i love the surprize scents its like having a couple different candles. What a great idea
Designer Whipped Body Butter

Added on 01/13/2018
Wow i ordered the fruity pebbles this time & its just as perfect as the fruit loop cupcake i got. Im so addicted to these, & they last sooooo long, im going to end up with an entire collection. Amazing!!!
Layered Butterscotch Coconut Cream Candle

Added on 01/11/2018
Oh. My. Goodness! This candle is loaded with the most tantalizing fragrance Oils in coconut cream, Butterscotch, buttercream, cream Brulee and whipped cream! This is the most creamiest candle ever and my favorite candle by far! Try it out for yourself if you haven't already!
CC - Baking With Mrs. Claus

Added on 01/11/2018
This was part of a large haul(all fall, winter and Christmas scents) that I ordered to last me from October through March, and although I had many loaves and jars in that haul, I used up Baking With Mrs. Claus by Thanksgiving! The maple and cranberry notes were very pleasant together; being from the Northeast, I associate those with Thanksgiving more than Christmas, especially with the yam note! Another CBVer said that the yam note was not for her, so be aware of that, but to me, it just made the candle smell even more like Thanksgiving dinner. Some people say they do not want to burn such cute candles, but this one looked nice when melting, with the festive red and glitter combining on and around the whipped wax. Of course, I know that this is meant to be a Christmas candle, but with the way it smelled, I could not leave it packed away until December.
Pepperberry Wreath

Added on 01/09/2018
Of all the CBV fragrances, this smells most like Bath & Body Works “Winter” fragrance. If you could plant yourself in the middle of a field of Christmas trees mingled within a grove of orange trees on a cold snowy evening, then Pepperberry Wreath is what you would smell! Crisp, invigorating but not overpowering-this is a great seasonal fragrance from December to February. Perfect for that season when you want something that is Winter-y but not mint-y, no bakery notes at all and the citrus is balanced by the spruce/pine/balsam notes

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