Candles by Victoria

Over 3,000 Reviews

Cookies & Cider

Added on 03/11/2022
This is such a wonderful scent! We absolutely love it around the holidays but it's not very strong so we tend to melt it in my husband's man cave to really smell it good. You can smell the sugar cookies and the cider note. It smells exactly like what you would expect.
Christmas Cuddles

Added on 03/11/2022
This is my favorite Christmas scent that Victoria has. I always order large crumb melts of this. Last year I ordered it three times because I kept running out. It smells to me like a Christmas tree without the heavy pine scent and a very cool nice note. It just smells like Christmas to me now. I also love to get a loaf mix of Christmas Cuddles and Friday Night Lights, it's amazing.
Cherry Almond

Added on 03/11/2022
Someone on our group said to get this because it smells like a cherry starburst and she was right! It smells soooo good. It's exactly cherry starburst scent.
Cider Web

Added on 03/11/2022
Victoria has a few scents that remind me of walking into a pumpkin patch/fall gift shop. Like the smell of crafts, hay, bakery, Fall.. just all in a scent! This reminds me of my childhood, it's just so nostalgic.
Christmas Apple Cider Snap

Added on 03/11/2022
This is my main scent during Christmas in my guest bathroom and I always get so many compliments on it. It isn't super strong so I keep it to smaller rooms, but it's a favorite for sure! I agree with it not being a red hots cinnamon scent. It's more of a sweet cinnamon scent and I can really smell the cider.
Coco Lime Verbena

Added on 03/11/2022
So around 6-7 years ago this was a perfect dupe, but I recently got it again and it's very heavy on maybe the verbena? I'm not as much of a fan of it anymore. It's just a little too sharp of a scent now for my nose.
Cinnamon Raisin Bread

Added on 03/11/2022
This is my favorite cinnamon sugar scent. It's just exactly what you would think. The cinnamon note, sugar note, bread note... It just is absolutely perfect. It's strong and it smells phenomenal.
Cinnamon Donuts

Added on 03/11/2022
I love this scent, it's amazing! It's just that with wax melts the scent doesn't last a very long time. If I were to get this scent again I would probably try it with a candle. I've found there are some better cinnamon sugar type scents that last a lot longer like French Toast, Cinnamon Raisin Bread and Cinnabon.
Cinnamon Stick

Added on 03/11/2022
This is my second favorite of all time Christmas scent from Victoria. Christmas Cuddles being the first. I always get a big thing of crumb melts of both for Christmas. Last year I kept running out of both and had to reorder them three times. This is a perfect cinnamon scent like the pinecones at craft stores, red hots or big red gum. My husband likes it the most for Christmas, but either way it's a favorite in our home. We go through a lot of it! If you love cinnamon, you can't go wrong with this scent!
Champagne Pear

Added on 03/11/2022
I was pleasently surprised with this scent. It smells so good! It really is a crisp pear with bubbly champagne like the other review said. You can smell the carbonation of the bubbles too. It's just divine.
Cinnamon Gingerbread Latte

Added on 03/11/2022
I agree with the reviews below. The molasses scent is the strongest part of the scent and I didn't really smell any coffee either. It wasn't my favorite. It did make the house smell really good though. I just have other scents I like a lot more.
Bad Apple

Added on 03/11/2022
This is such a beautiful apple scent! I got it more recently and it has easily become one of my favorite apple scents especially for Fall. It gives me more of a mature scent profile. I honestly wouldn't mind smelling like this either. It's amazing.
Christmas Eve

Added on 03/11/2022
This isn't my favorite scent. It smells like a burning fireplace to me. A super unique smell. I mixed it with Christmas Tree though and it smells like a perfect Christmas.
Buttercream Crunch

Added on 03/11/2022
This throw actually has a story behind it... So I put it in my wax warmer and I went outside on the patio with my husband. Soon enough, my husband says "it's smells like cake out here" it went all the way through the house onto the patio through the screen door! It's very strong and to me it has a buttered popcorn note to it. I think this is a kind of you'll love it or hate it scent because it's so uniquely itself.
Banana Brown Sugar Drizzle

Added on 03/11/2022
This smells really nice and it's very strong. It was my first banana scent and I don't think I'm much of a banana gal but if you like banana scents I think you'd absolutely love this. It's not super overpowering and the brown sugar drizzle part smells sooo good.
Christmas Tree

Added on 03/11/2022
This is very very piney. To me it smells like just straight pine. I'm more of a balsam gal. It's a little too much but I mixed it with Christmas Eve and it was pretty good.
Aspen Caramel Woods (type)

Added on 03/11/2022
I got this as a free scent shot and instantly bought some crumb melts of it. It's just so strong and such a nice sexy scent. It's good for year round but also has a very cozy feeling to it. I absolutely wouldn't have thought to order this so I'm glad I got it to try!

Added on 03/11/2022
This is a very strong, amazing scent. I always have Mickey melts of it on hand to mix with other scents. My favorite is Pumpkin Pie Spice with Buttercream but also Cinnamon Stick with Buttercream is pretty amazing too. The idea to mix it with are endless to be honest! It's perfect as a stand alone scent too. It's for sure one of Victoria's more versatile scents in my opinion.

Added on 03/11/2022
This is one of my favorite all around smells. I often put it in when company is over in the Spring/Summer because it's just a really great unoffensive scent. The scent profile is complex to me, but it has a very fruity sweet smell. I always have Mickey melts of this on hand since I always seem to go back to it when I'm trying to think of the perfect scent for company.
Baked Apple Strudel

Added on 03/11/2022
This is in my top 3 favorite Fall scents but I sadly don't use it as often because it's not as strong as I would like. It was one of the first scents I got years ago and it still holds such a wonderful place in my heart. It smells exactly like what you would think and it's just absolutely amazing.

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