Candles by Victoria

Over 3,000 Reviews


Added on 03/11/2022
This smells exactly like a Cinnabon or walking by a Cinnabon at a mall. It's just a perfect scent of a cinnamon pastry with icing. It's super strong too so you literally cannot go wrong with this scent.
Pumpkin Cheesecake

Added on 03/11/2022
This smells so much like pumpkin cheesecake it's ridiculous! How does she do it?!

Added on 03/11/2022
Out of all the scents in my most recent order this is my favorite. I'm surprised but also not surprised since Pumpkin Pie Spice is my favorite scent of all time. So obviously in a similar category. I smell the perfect nutty spice that this is supposed to smell like. I bake a lot and when I use nutmeg I always grate it straight from the nut.
Ocean Melon Mango

Added on 03/11/2022
This is like summer in a scent. Just so tropical and wonderful!
Pumpkin Cider

Added on 03/11/2022
This is one of the best pumpkin scents Victoria has in my opinion, but the only downside is it's not very strong. I keep it to bathrooms mainly but I always end up buying some because I love it!!!
Oatmeal, Milk, & Honey

Added on 03/11/2022
This is a wonderful unoffensive scent. I actually think I like this one more than Bath Time with Pooh but both have similar scent profiles to me. It's just a really creamy, soft scent. You should try it at least once. I use it mostly in my bathroom while I'm taking a bath.
Pecan Pie

Added on 03/11/2022
This is so strong and delicious! Exactly what I would expect when I smelled it warmed for the first time.
Mahogany Teakwood

Added on 03/11/2022
This isn't an exact dupe to me of B&BW Mahogany Teakwood. It's not as good to me. It has more of a specific scent note and it's just different. I think if you aren't as picky as me though you'd probably really like it still.
Orange Vanilla

Added on 03/11/2022
This has easily become my new favorite scent recently. I need to order a large thing of it and totally forgot last order. It smells sooo good and it's so nostalgic for me because I grew up using Australian Gold sunscreen and it reminds me of it so much. I just want to bathe in this scent.
Pumpkin Frappuccino

Added on 03/11/2022
This is actually a really amazing coffee pumpkin scent and I was very pleasently surprised at how much I loved this! You have to try it!
Mango Chai Tea

Added on 03/11/2022
I had no idea what to expect with this scent and I love it! The review below me has a perfect description of it. It's just a very spice heavy mango scent. It's very unique so I could see how it could be a hit or miss with some people though.
Pomegranate & Cider

Added on 03/11/2022
This is another one of the scents like Cider Web that brings me back to a pumpkin patch/fall gift shop. It's just so nostalgic for me! I absolutely love it and I finally got a bag of emoji melts of it this year!
Pink Sugar Zucchini Bread

Added on 03/11/2022
This is a perfect mix of the two scents. I put this in the master bedroom for my birthday and it was delightful.
Plumeria Passion

Added on 03/11/2022
This smells just like Hawaii to me!
Peach Cinnamon Strudel Pie

Added on 03/11/2022
This is so strong and delicious! I absolutely didn't expect to love this scent as much as I did! It smells exactly like a peach cinnamon Strudel pie!
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

Added on 03/11/2022
This was the first scent I got where it smelled exactly like what the name said. It just smells like ooey gooey oatmeal raisin cookies coming right out of the oven. It's phenomenal!
Gain Island Fresh

Added on 03/11/2022
This smells just like Gain laundry detergent and it's sooo strong! When I was cutting up my wax this stayed on my hands for two days! It's a really nice fresh scent and perfect for laundry day!
Mulberry Cider

Added on 03/11/2022
This is one of my most loved scents around Fall time. I love cider scents and this is just perfect. It even works all year round as just a cozy cold day scent too!
Melon Ball

Added on 03/11/2022
This is just a perfect melon scent. It reminds me of a juicy melon in the summer.
Frosted Lime Cupcake

Added on 03/11/2022
This was more lime than I thought it would be. I wish it had a little more cupcake to it. It smells really good but I think I was a tad disappointed on the lack of cupcake note. Overall it's still an amazing scent, I just have other lime scents like Fizzy Pop I love more.

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