Candles by Victoria

Over 3,000 Reviews

Stress Relief

Added on 10/09/2013
Great combination and super relaxing!
Peaches and Cream

Added on 10/09/2013
Favorite of her Peach scents!

Added on 10/09/2013
Not a typical sweet scent, there's depth to this one that makes it incredible!
Chocolate Sandalwood Spice

Added on 10/09/2013
Best Fall Scent hands down, and one of my all time FAVORITES! TRY IT! I don't think you'll be disappointed!

Added on 10/09/2013
I am not a fan of coconut, but because of all the hype and other ingredients, I decided to give it a try. It was a perfect combination of almonds, cherries, and coconut. Very smooth. It's not a reorder for me, but because it smells EXACTLY like it's supposed to, I give it a 5.0
Amazing Grace

Added on 10/09/2013
I love this scent especially in bath and body form! I'm usually not a huge floral fan but thought I would give this a try anyways! This is now definitely in my top 10 and I would've regretted not trying this! I think floral haters should try this because it's amazing!

Added on 10/09/2013
The almond in this scent is amazing! Nice and strong but not too sweet! I would purchase this in candle form all the time!
Vanilla Sandalwood

Added on 10/09/2013
I think this is a little too sharp for me. I went from liking it to loving it with a little sliver of Vanilla After Dark added in. Still, a great introduction to Sandlewood if you are new to the earthy tones.
Vanilla After Dark

Added on 10/09/2013
I'm not a huge vanilla fan. I mostly use it to tone down stronger sharper scents. This one is definitely special. It is so sugary sweet. I don't know that I detect citrus, but I get the muskiness. I really like it.
A Hunk, A Hunk of Burning Nuts

Added on 10/09/2013
Love this scent!! I think the caramelized pralines is the stronger note in this scent but it's completely amazing! I would purchase this over and over again!
Almond Pastry

Added on 10/09/2013
This is the first scent I've tried from CBV and what made me fall in love with this company! When I first lit up my candle in this scent it definitely felt like I walked into a bakery! This scent filled up my entire apartment and not just my room! Completely amazed by the strength of this smell
Ai tori

Added on 10/09/2013
Definitely one of my all time favorites! I especially love this for the bath and body products! I usually hate florals but this is the perfect blend! I love that the fruitiness is the stronger note in this scent!
Watermelon Cupcake

Added on 10/09/2013
I LOVE Tiffany-D. The scent. I LOVE cupcakes. The food. Put them together in scent form and you have heaven.
Vanilla Kiss

Added on 10/09/2013
The Dark Kiss is a DEAD ON dupe. The vanilla added in really makes it stand out and I actually prefer this version. A smooth berry floral.
Stress Relief

Added on 10/09/2013
I get the peppermint first and foremost. Then a middle note of chai which adds a kick. Lastly a touch of lavender. The throw is ridiculous. So strong. I have to be in the mood or it is a bit overpowering. A lovely scent none the less.
Spanish Sunrise

Added on 10/09/2013
I loved it in ss form. It was sweet and tart, juicy and bright. It had a strong long lasting scent throw.
Angel Food Cake

Added on 10/09/2013
Smells exactly like the same! I prefer this scent in candle form rather than bath and body but it's amazing either way!
Apple Butter Festival

Added on 10/09/2013
This is such an amazing fall scent! I definitely get that apple and the Kettle corn portion isn't too popcorny! This scent brings out the best in apple cinnamon butter and kettle corn!
Apple Cider

Added on 10/09/2013
This is a sweet, apple and crust scent, not spicy and a really strong thrower!!
Hippy Chick

Added on 10/09/2013
Relaxing and centering. The perfect scent for meditation :)

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