Candles by Victoria

Over 3,000 Reviews

Strawberries & Champagne

Added on 11/09/2013
WOW this one smells exactly like what it is meant to dupe! Maybe even a bit better :) My boyfriend is in love with this scent whenever I wear it, and he is more than thrilled to have our bedroom smell like it as well. This is decidedly his favorite I have melted so far. Definitely a feminine sexy scent that is light enough for day time melting.
Brown Sugar Pecan

Added on 11/09/2013
Smells more like pecan pie than the Pecan Pie scent.

Added on 11/09/2013
Cinnamon swirl layer of a Cinnabon.
Christmas in Who-Ville

Added on 11/09/2013
This candle is just as described. If you love the smell of sweet peppermint but don't want to be overpowered by it, this is your scent. It's a very toned down sweet smelling peppermint. Very much reminds me of Christmas.
Sea Salt & Lotus Blossom

Added on 11/06/2013
Very nice, relaxing clean watery scent, not overly floral or salty. Very pretty, slightly musky, clean, relaxing scent. Smells to me like freshly shampooed, clean, wet hair. Great in fizzy bath salts too. One of my favorite cbv scents!
Rock That Vanilla

Added on 11/06/2013
This scent is the closest I've found to my favorite perfume, Hanae Mori. It is sweet and a touch musky.
Cherry Fizzy Pop

Added on 10/30/2013
My husband always makes fun of me because I don't like the taste of soda but I love the smell and this scent captures that experience perfectly. without the waste or potential calories.
Eucalyptus & Spearmint

Added on 10/30/2013
Love it! I get the green notes of the eucalyptus on cold sniff, but all I smell really when melted is spearmint-i think maybe the eucalyptus mellows it just slightly though, which is nice. It makes my mouth water-just great, relaxing and refreshing.
Autumn Apple

Added on 10/30/2013
Very fallish. I get a really strong cinnamon note and it's almost overpowering in my little house. However, if I had a larger house, I think I'd melt this all the time! The apple disappeared relatively quickly, but the cinnamon hangs on for a while. I like it, it's just a bit much for our small house.
Candy Corn

Added on 10/30/2013
Sweet almost caramel scent. Similar to actual Candy Corn.
Kahlua Cafe O'Lait

Added on 10/29/2013
The perfect blend of coffee with a sweet hint of chocolate. The first scent I ever burned from CBV, and to this day it is still my favorite.
Baby Powder

Added on 10/29/2013
This is pretty straight forward. Just like the name says. Smells just like baby powder. Fresh and clean baby
Leaves (type)

Added on 10/28/2013
One of my all time favorite fall scents! Its just enough crisp apple and not too heavy on the spices...just right! Reminds me of the the apple orchard we visit. It has a little farm stand that sells fresh apple goodies! Nom Nom!
Butter Rum Crunch

Added on 10/28/2013
Its a creamy buttery kinda scent. Reminds me of kettlecorn with butterscotch/rum! Its such a rich, and delicious combination of both and isn't insanely popcorn-y since it reminds me a little of it, maybe cause of the buttery part in it (cause I don't usually go for popcorn types of scents!). Overall a very powerful scent and fills every inch of the room!
Marshmallow Campfire

Added on 10/27/2013
Sweet marshmallow scent with a smokey fireplace note.
Get Me S'more

Added on 10/27/2013
A true S'more scent. Not a sickening fake chocolate scent like some other brands. Very warm and cozy.

Added on 10/27/2013
Not quite what I expected but I still love it. I can only burn it for short periods of time because it's so powerful. I found it heavy on the butter and less on the frosting.

Added on 10/27/2013
This was the very first scent I ever got by CBV. It was a gift from a friend and I was so not disappointed. It does smell exactly like walking by Cinnabon at the mall. It's very strong throwing, and you can smell the cinnamon, frosting and that kind of dough bakery scent that's the buns themselves. Amazing!
Leaves (type)

Added on 10/27/2013
I mostly get apple when I burn this with the spices as a background note. Despite that, I think out of all the scents I have from CBV thus far (and I only have a few...for now.) this one is definitely my favourite. I've burned it the most and it's got a nice strong throw. It's not too sweet either or too spicy to bother the other people in my house. Just fresh apple. Beautiful all year round.
Bag Of Crumb Melts

Added on 10/27/2013
Incredibly scented!!! Strong throw and long lasting!!

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