Candles by Victoria

Over 3,000 Reviews

Butterfly Kisses

Added on 01/20/2014
This is similar to Bella Swan to me but perhaps more floral and I think that the kiwi makes the scent a tad bit sharper than Bella, where as Bella is more sweet. It's a nice strong fragrance and certainly worth a try especially if you like floral scents!
Fluffer Nutter

Added on 01/20/2014
I can smell both the Marshmallow Campfire and Peanut Butter Cookies. It's a very sweet and yummy scent!

Added on 01/20/2014
Creamy and sweet just like the drink
Angel Food Cake

Added on 01/20/2014
Perfectly accurate. Smells just like perfectly baked angel food cake.
Gain Island Fresh

Added on 01/20/2014
This smells just like the detergent and is very strong. I was doing laundry the other day and melting this and I use scent free detergent but somehow, you could smell this on the clean clothes. Fantastic!
Dark Angel

Added on 01/20/2014
I got this as a free scent shot in an order. Like others, I didn't think I was going to like this scent based on cold sniff. What a surprise! It's a unique, sexy fragrance. If you could imagine spearmint gum and a cologne note together, that's what this reminds me of, but it totally works! Definitely a must try!
Eucalyptus & Spearmint

Added on 01/20/2014
Smells exactly like double mint gum to me.
Wintery Candy Apple

Added on 01/20/2014
EXACT dupe but pretty strong.
Black Current

Added on 01/20/2014
A sexy, fruity floral! It is strong, I only need to turn on my warmer for a few minutes to scent up my entire living room.
Go Go Juice

Added on 01/20/2014
So YUMMY! It taste..oops I mean it SMELLS just like a fruit icee and I can get a little fizzy in the background.
Apple Cinnamon Butter

Added on 01/20/2014
Perfectly balanced between apple, cinnamon, butter, and sugar. Smells absolutely amazing. Not overly cinnamony.
Apple Pie Ala Mode

Added on 01/20/2014
I dont get an ice cream note. I just get a delicious creamy apple scent. There is a cinnamon note BUT it is not spicy! I would recommend this scent for non bakery lovers.
Eternity for Men by Calvin Klein

Added on 01/20/2014
I would say this is a softer, sweet cologne and it isnt too over powering.
Pink Cupcake

Added on 01/20/2014
The most realistic cake scent out of the entire line up! And boy does it stick, I can still smell this scent in my bedroom the day AFTER I've burnt it.
White Christmas

Added on 01/13/2014
Sweet peppermint and christmas. A long lasting scent. Very strong.
Zucchini Bread

Added on 01/13/2014
This is an awesome bakery scent. It's more spicy and savory yet slightly sweet. It's very strong and in fact I could smell it on my clothes when I stepped out and went to the grocery store yesterday.
Apple Cinnamon Butter

Added on 01/13/2014
This is delicious! It's a creamy apple sweetened by butter with a slight amount of cinnamon. I really enjoyed this one!!
Bake Shoppe - Donut Shop

Added on 01/13/2014
Ohhhh WOW!!! Burning this tonight and I love love love this so much!! The scent isn't over powering, it just the perfect amount to scent my home with the perfect amount of yumminess.

Added on 01/09/2014
The candle is BEAUTIFUL. I just wish it had a stronger throw. Maybe it's stronger in the 9 & 16 oz jars?
Holiday Wassail

Added on 01/09/2014
This is a nice and different Christmas scent. It smells like spiced fruits to me.

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